Page 7 - Lumatic Ltd, Lubrication Equipment And Fluid Handling Products
P. 7
Price recommendation without obligation
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set
Description Images and specifications can be subject to change without notice Part No.
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set in display-carton,
includes Lube-Shuttle® side-lever grease-gun, either
with rigid tube E4024, nylon hose or high pressure safety
rubber hose, each with 4-jaw hydraulic safety coupler,
and two Lube-Shuttle® cartridges MULTI basic 2M
with rigid tube and 4-jaw hydraulic coupler
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set with rigid tube E4024, R1/8" 30 112 22
with 300mm high pressure nylon hose PH-30C,
multiple braid, burst pressure 1.000 bar (14.450 psi), Ø-9mm,
and 4-jaw hydraulic coupler
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set with PH-30C, R1/8" 30 112 77
with 300mm safety rubber hose RH-30C,
For more information on our
steel wire braided, burst pressure 1.650 bar (23.900 psi), range of hoses, please refer to
Ø-13mm, and 4-jaw hydraulic coupler page 24
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set with RH-30C, R1/8" 30 113 21
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set in display-carton,
includes Lube-Shuttle® TG one-hand grease-gun, either
with rigid tube E4024, nylon hose or high pressure safety
rubber hose, each with 4-jaw hydraulic safety coupler,
and two Lube-Shuttle® cartridges MULTI basic 2M
with rigid tube and 4-jaw hydraulic coupler
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set TG with rigid tube E4024, R1/8" 30 116 59
with 300mm high pressure nylon hose PH-30C,
multiple braid, burst pressure 1.000 bar (14.450 psi), Ø-9mm,
and 4-jaw hydraulic coupler
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set TG with PH-30C, R1/8" 30 117 10
For more information on our
range of hoses, please refer to
page 24
with 300mm safety rubber hose RH-30C,
steel wire braided, burst pressure 1.650 bar (23.900 psi),
Ø-13mm, and 4-jaw hydraulic coupler
Lube-Shuttle® Promo-Set TG with RH-30C, R1/8" 30 118 19
Issue 21 MATO GmbH & Co. KG 7 7
MATO GmbH & Co. KG